HomeGamingWhere to Find your Minecraft Screenshots Location

Where to Find your Minecraft Screenshots Location


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Minecraft is one of the few best games where you can set your creativity to unlimited possibilities. There are endless ways with more opportunities to expand your imagination. But, when you create something new and unique, it adds to your overall satisfaction if you can show it to your friends.

Minecraft allows you to take screenshots inside the game. With only a press on your keyboard, you can capture a screenshot of your gameplay in seconds. The question now is where to look and find these screenshot images on your laptop or desktop computer.

How to Take Screenshots on your Minecraft Game
Photo credit: Fausto Sandoval/Unsplash

How to Take Screenshots on your Minecraft Game

Before we dwell on finding the location of your screenshots folder, let us first know how you can take screenshots on your Minecraft game.

If you use Windows PC to play Minecraft, all you have to do is press the F2 key. For Windows 10, you can press the Windows key + Print Screen button. If you want to take a screenshot on your Xbox Game Bar, press the Windows key + G and press the camera icon.

Mac users need to press the Fn and F2 keys. You can also try the combination of Command + Shift + 4.

How Does Minecraft Name its ScreenShots

You can identify the screenshot files taken in your Minecraft game since all screenshots have a naming format when saved at the default location. It only takes the pattern of the current date and time: YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS.png, where Y is year, M is month, D is day, H is hour, M is minute, and S is second. If ever you take several shots in the same second, it will add a revision number in the end.

Where to Find your Minecraft Screenshots on PC, Mac or Linux Computer

Now that you know how to take a screenshot in your Minecraft game, you should also know where to find and locate them on your Windows 10/11 PC, macOS device, or Linux computer.

Windows 10 or 11 PC

Where to Find your Minecraft Screenshots Location on PC

If you play Minecraft on your Windows PC, you can easily find the screenshots in your AppData/Roaming folder.

  • Click the Start menu and open the Search box.
  • Enter %appdata%.
  • When you are in the AppData window, navigate to Roaming.
  • Look for Minecraft and open the Screenshots folder.

Windows 10 Bedrock Edition can go to C:\Users\\Videos\Captures.

Mac Computers

For Mac computer users, you can find the screenshots in ~/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/screenshots. Follow the steps below.

  • Launch the Terminal app on your MacBook or iMac.
  • Enter the following command: defaults write com.apple. Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE.
  • Open Finder by pressing CMD+Shift+G.
  • Enter the following command: ~/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/Screenshot.

Linux Devices

If you are playing on Linux, go to the Home directory. Click the Minecraft folder. If you cannot find the Minecraft folder, press Ctrl+H to show hidden files. Open the Screenshots folder.

Now, that you know where the images are saved when screenshotting on Minrecraft, you can also change the default setting and assign a new location for your files.

What is your most memorable screenshot taken on Minecraft? You can share your story with us below.


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Aileen G. M.
Aileen G. M.
A technology writer with a degree in Business Administration majoring in Marketing. Aileen loves creating helpful but simple guides for troubleshooting and fixing complex issues on today's gadgets and services.

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