HomeFixesHow to Resolve and Fix HP Printer Error Code 59.F0 or 60.02

How to Resolve and Fix HP Printer Error Code 59.F0 or 60.02


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Dealing with printer errors can be so frustrating! You’re just trying to print a document, and your HP printer throws some cryptic error code at you. What does 59.F0 or 60.02 even mean??

Don’t sweat it, I’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk through how to troubleshoot and resolve these common HP printer error codes, so you can get back to printing.

Photo credit: Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke/Pixabay

A Quick Primer on HP Error Codes

But first, let’s learn what these error codes actually mean.

  • 59.F0 indicates a potential issue with the intermediate transfer belt.
  • 60.02 suggests a fault with the paper tray lifter motor.

Okay, now let’s dive into resolving these two common codes step-by-step!

Fixing HP Printer Error 59.F0

The 59.F0 error points to a problem with the intermediate transfer belt (ITB). This is the belt that transfers toner from the imaging drum onto the paper.

Here are a few steps to troubleshoot this error:

Solution #1 – Inspect the Transfer Belt

First, open the printer and check the transfer belt for any visible damage. Look for cracks, tears, or debris stuck to the belt surface.

The transfer belt is located under the toner cartridges. Refer to your printer’s service manual for detailed steps to access this component.

If the belt is damaged, you’ll likely need to replace it. Replacement belts can be found online or through HP parts providers.

Solution #2 – Check the Transfer Alienation Sensor

If the belt looks fine, the issue may be with the transfer alienation sensor. This sensor monitors belt movement and alerts the printer if anything is wrong.

First, inspect the sensor for any obstruction or damage. Then use the printer’s built-in diagnostics mode to test the sensor and check for errors.

Refer to your model’s service manual for instructions to enter diagnostics mode and test components. If the sensor fails testing, it will need to be replaced.

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Solution #3 – Reset the Printer

Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

After inspecting the physical components, try resetting the printer to factory defaults. This can clear any software issues triggering the 59.F0 code.

To reset:

  • Press the power button to turn off the printer. Unplug it from power.
  • Wait 30 seconds, then plug it back in and turn it on.
  • Access the printer settings menu from the control panel.
  • Select Reset to Factory Defaults and confirm. This will reset all settings.

Run a test print once reset – hopefully the 59.F0 error is cleared!

Resolving HP Printer Error Code 60.02

The 60.02 error indicates a potential issue with the printer’s paper tray lifter motor. This small motor controls the paper tray lifting mechanism.

Here’s how to troubleshoot the 60.02 error:

Solution #1 – Reseat the Paper Tray

As a first step, remove the paper tray completely from the printer. Check for any jammed paper or debris inside the tray slot.

Then reinsert the paper tray firmly back into the slot. The printer may display an out-of-paper message – ignore this for now.

Reseating the tray can clear minor hiccups with the tray lifter motor and contacts. Run a test print to see if the issue is resolved.

Solution #2 – Verify the Lifter Motor

If the error persists, we’ll need to check the lifter motor. First, disconnect the printer from power.

The motor is located underneath the paper tray. Remove any covers to access the motor.

Visually inspect the motor and associated gears for damage. Rotate the gears manually using your finger – they should move smoothly.

Plug the printer back in but leave the paper tray removed. Access the diagnostics menu and run the paper tray lifter motor test. This will confirm if the motor needs to be replaced.

Refer to your printer’s service manual for details on disassembling to access the motor, testing procedures, and motor replacement steps.

Solution #3 – Update the Printer Firmware

Image credit: HP

Lastly, make sure your printer is running the latest firmware. Old firmware bugs can sometimes cause error codes like 60.02 to appear.

To update:

  • On your computer, go to HP’s Support Website and search for your printer model.
  • Click Software and Drivers and look for Firmware Updates. Download if available.
  • Follow the instructions to update your printer’s firmware.

After updating, run a test print to confirm the issue is fixed!

BEST DEALS: Awesome deals await you on your next purchase of the latest HP printer only on Amazon and Walmart!


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David Porter
David Porter
David is prolific writer and full-time Digital Nomad. He is an American expat living in Indonesia who loves to follow the recent technology updates. In his free time, he loves surfing and travel the edge of Indonesia.

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