HomeFixesHow to Fix Google Pay Error Code OR_BIBED_10 and OR_BIBED_06

How to Fix Google Pay Error Code OR_BIBED_10 and OR_BIBED_06


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Have you ever tried to make a purchase or send money using Google Pay, only to get a frustrating error message with a strange code OR_BIBED_10 or OR_BIBED_06? You’re not alone. Many users encounter issues with Google Pay transactions failing randomly, often without explanation.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll explain exactly what these obscure error codes mean, why you may be seeing them, and most importantly – how to finally fix the problems so you can complete Google Pay payments without headaches.

Photo credit: Mika Baumeister/Unsplash

A Bit of Background First – What is Google Pay Error Code OR_BIBED_10 and OR_BIBED_06

Before we dive into resolving those pesky OR_BIBED errors, let me provide some helpful context on what’s happening behind the scenes when you attempt a Google Pay transaction. This will make the troubleshooting steps that follow much easier to understand.

  • Google Pay facilitates payments by storing your payment method details like credit/debit cards or bank accounts. It needs these details to process transactions.
  • When you go to pay a merchant or send money to a friend, Google Pay communicates with banks and card networks to authorize transfers.
  • If authorization fails for any reason, error codes like OR_BIBED_10 or OR_BIBED_06 appear letting you know your payment didn’t go through.
  • Many things can potentially go wrong and cause these failures – but thankfully most have straightforward fixes. Keep reading!

Here is How to Finally Resolve Google Pay Error Code OR_BIBED_10 and OR_BIBED_06

If you received error code OR_BIBED_10, OR_BIBED_06, or any other OR_BIBED error when attempting a Google Pay transaction, try these troubleshooting steps:

Double Check Your Payment Method Details on Google Pay

Image credit: Google Pay
  • Log into your Google Pay account and edit the payment method triggering errors.
  • Carefully verify details like card number, zip code, and address match your bank/card issuer’s records.
  • Any tiny discrepancy can lead to failed payments, so be meticulous checking for typos here.

Contact Google Pay Customer Support for Account Issues

  • Sometimes OR_BIBED codes indicate a problem with your merchant or buyer account restrictions.
  • Only Google Pay customer service can view and adjust settings on the backend to resolve this.
  • Explain the specific error and failed transaction so they can diagnose the account issue.

Switch Out of Test Mode to Live Payments

  • Developers sometimes enable a TEST environment when building integrations.
  • TEST mode means transactions don’t use real payment info or money movements.
  • Make sure you are switched out of TEST mode to process actual live funds transfers.

Attempt the Payment with Another Method

  • As a last resort, delete the failing payment method entirely from your Google Pay account.
  • Add back that original source, or try making payments with another bank/card instead.
  • This essentially resets things and may resolve transient network issues.

Answers to Your Most Frequent Questions About Google Pay

I know dealing with vague error codes can be endlessly frustrating. Here I’ll answer some common questions around these Google Pay issues so you have a go-to reference.

What exactly do Google Pay error codes OR_BIBED_10 and OR_BIBED_06 indicate?

Image credit: Google Pay

These codes signify that the bank or card network declined authorizing the money transfer when Google Pay requested it. So Google Pay itself is working fine, but a downstream issue is blocking the transaction.

Google Pay was working fine yesterday – why would I suddenly get these errors now?

Even if payments were previously successful, your bank may have reset card expiration dates, implemented new fraud rules, or any number of changes in the background that start blocking transactions. The platform was not necessarily at fault.

How can I tell if the issues are caused by Google Pay or by my bank/card?

Unless you receive alerts from your bank about possible fraud blocks or account configuration changes, OR_BIBED codes almost always indicate the underlying payment method or account has a problem communicating with Google Pay specifically.


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David Porter
David Porter
David is prolific writer and full-time Digital Nomad. He is an American expat living in Indonesia who loves to follow the recent technology updates. In his free time, he loves surfing and travel the edge of Indonesia.

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