HomeMobileAndroidFix Display Over Other Apps Feature Not Available on Android Phones

Fix Display Over Other Apps Feature Not Available on Android Phones


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The “Display Over Other Apps” feature on Android is a handy tool that lets certain apps, like chat applications or screen recorders, show their content on top of other apps. It’s especially useful for multitasking, as it keeps important information readily visible while you use your phone for other tasks. However, sometimes, this feature isn’t available due to various reasons, which can disrupt the smooth functioning of these apps.

What is Display Over Other Apps Feature?

Photo credit: Shiwa ID/Unsplash

The “Display Over Other Apps” permission is a special setting on Android devices that allows certain apps to appear on top of others. It’s like having a small window from one app floating over the rest of the screen while you’re using your phone. This feature is really useful for apps that need to stay visible, like chat heads for messaging apps or small music player controls.

Many apps use this permission to provide convenient features. Think of floating widgets that give you quick access to app functions, or persistent notifications that stay visible no matter what you’re doing on your device. It’s a feature that makes multitasking easier, keeping important functions at your fingertips.

But with great convenience comes a need for caution. Malicious apps could misuse this permission, displaying unwanted content over other apps. This could range from annoying ads to deceptive overlays that trick you into clicking something harmful. It’s important to grant this permission only to apps you trust.

The error message for this glitch might say:

“Display over other apps – Feature not available – This feature has been turned off because it slows down your phone.”


Common Causes for the Feature Unavailability on Certain Android Devices

Sometimes the “Display Over Other Apps” feature is not available or completely disabled on your Android device, and it’s usually not your fault. It could be due to the kind of device you have. For example, on Android Go devices, which are more basic and budget-friendly, this feature is often not included. It’s a way to keep these devices running smoothly since they have less powerful hardware.

Another common cause is the default settings on your phone. Some Android devices come with the feature disabled right out of the box. This isn’t something you did; it’s just how the manufacturer set up the phone. It might seem odd, but it happens.

Screen overlays can also create a bit of a tangle. They’re part of the “Display Over Other Apps” feature but can interfere with it too. For instance, when you’re trying to give an app permission to do something, and there’s a screen overlay active, your phone might get confused. This can cause errors, stopping you from using the app as you intended. It’s like two apps trying to talk simultaneously, and your phone doesn’t know which one to listen to.

How to Troubleshoot and Fix Display Over Other Apps Feature Not Available or Disabled on Android Phones

Enable Screen Overlays in Developer Settings


Sometimes, the solution to getting ‘Display Over Other Apps’ working is hiding in your phone’s Developer Settings. It might sound a bit techy, but it’s not too complicated. Here’s a simple guide to turn on screen overlays:

  • Head over to the ‘Settings’ app on your Android phone.
  • Scroll down to find ‘About phone’.
  • Look for ‘Build number’ and tap on it multiple times (usually 7 times) until you see a message that says, ‘You are now a developer’. This unlocks the Developer Options.
  • Now, go back to the main Settings menu.
  • Scroll down to find and select ‘System’.
  • In the System menu, find and tap on ‘Developer options’.
  • Inside Developer options, scroll through the list until you find ‘Allow screen overlays’ or something similar.
  • Toggle this option to turn it on.

By enabling screen overlays in the Developer Settings, you’re basically giving apps the green light to display content over other apps. This is a key step, especially if you’re fond of using apps that need to stay visible, like chat heads or floating widgets.

Re-enable Feature on Android Go Devices

Getting the ‘Display Over Other Apps’ feature to work on Android Go devices is a bit more technical, but it’s doable with some patience and a computer. Android Go devices usually don’t support this feature out of the box, but there’s a workaround using ADB, which is a tool for developers. Here’s how you can re-enable the feature:

  • First, you need to enable Developer Options on your Android Go device. This can be done by going to ‘Settings’, then ‘About phone’, and tapping ‘Build number’ multiple times until you see a message that you are now a developer.
  • Next, within the now accessible Developer Options, find and enable ‘USB Debugging’. This allows your phone to communicate with your computer for development-related tasks.
  • Now, on your computer, you’ll need to download ADB. This is a small program that lets you send commands to your Android device from your computer.
  • Once ADB is downloaded and installed, connect your Android Go device to your computer using a USB cable.
  • Open the command prompt on your computer and navigate to the folder where ADB is installed. You’ll usually find this in the ‘platform-tools’ folder.
  • In the command prompt, type ‘adb devices’ to ensure your device is properly connected. You should see your device’s serial number listed.
  • Finally, enter the command ‘adb shell pm grant <package-name> android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW’, replacing <package-name> with the package name of the app you want to allow to display over other apps.

This process might seem extremely challenging, especially if you’re not used to tinkering with developer tools. But for those on Android Go devices who really need this feature, it’s a worthwhile effort. Just follow the steps carefully, and you’ll have those apps floating over others in no time.

Manual Configuration for Specific Apps

Image credit: Mohamed Nohassi/Unsplash

If the ‘Display Over Other Apps’ feature isn’t working for a particular app, sometimes all it needs is a little manual tweak in the settings. This is a straightforward process and doesn’t require any technical know-how. Here’s how you can manually enable this feature for individual apps:

  • First, open the ‘Settings’ app on your Android device. This is your control center for almost everything on your phone.
  • In Settings, look for ‘Apps’ or ‘Application Manager’, depending on your device. This is where you’ll find all the apps installed on your phone.
  • Once you’re in the Apps menu, tap on the app you want to configure. This opens the app’s individual settings.
  • Here, you’ll find an option like ‘Display Over Other Apps’, ‘Appear on Top’, or ‘Allow Display Over Other Apps’. The wording might vary, but the function is the same.
  • Toggle this option on for the app. This grants the app permission to show its content over other apps.

Doing this for specific apps ensures they function as intended. For instance, if you’re using a chat app, you might want its chat heads to stay visible over other apps for easy access. Similarly, a navigation app might need to display directions over other apps while you’re driving. By manually configuring these settings, you ensure that the apps you rely on work just the way you need them to.

Resolve Permission Conflicts Manually

When you encounter the ‘Display Over Other Apps Feature Not Available’ error, it’s often a permissions issue. This can happen when an app needs permission to display over other apps but can’t get it due to a conflict. Fixing this requires a bit of manual adjustment in the app settings.

  • Start by closing the app that’s giving you trouble. This resets the permission request process.
  • Next, open the ‘Settings’ app on your Android device. This is your go-to place for adjusting how apps behave on your phone.
  • In Settings, find and tap ‘Apps’ or ‘Application Manager’. This section lists all the apps installed on your device.
  • Scroll through the list and select the app that’s causing the error. This opens the specific settings for that app.
  • Here, look for a section named ‘Permissions’. It’s where you can see what the app is allowed to do on your device.
  • In the Permissions section, find the permission that’s causing the conflict. It might be something like ‘Appear on top’ or ‘Display over other apps.’
  • Toggle this permission on. This allows the app to display content over other apps.

Once you’ve adjusted the permissions, reopen the app. It should now work without the error popping up.

Identifying and Resolving Interfering Apps

Sometimes, the ‘Display Over Other Apps’ issue is caused by certain apps that interfere with others. Identifying these apps is the first step to solving the problem. Often, it’s apps with features like night mode or ones that use floating widgets.

To find the culprit, think about any apps you recently installed or updated. These are common starting points. Apps that change screen colors for eye comfort at night, or those that constantly float a widget or icon on your screen, are usual suspects.

Once you’ve identified potential problem apps, try disabling their overlay features. You can do this by going to ‘Settings’, then ‘Apps’, and selecting the app in question. Look for an option like ‘Display Over Other Apps’ and turn it off.

If the problem persists, you might have to uninstall the app temporarily to see if it resolves the issue. If doing so fixes the problem, you’ve found the interfering app.

In some cases, updating the app can also resolve conflicts. Developers often release updates to fix bugs like these.

Utilizing Third-party Solutions

If you’re still having trouble with the ‘Display Over Other Apps’ feature, there are third-party apps that can help. These apps are designed to tackle this specific issue, making it easier to manage the feature on your device.

‘Install Button Unlocker’ is one such app. It’s designed to unlock the installation button that can be disabled by screen overlays. This means if a screen overlay is preventing app installation or permission granting, this app can bypass the issue.

‘Alert Window Checker’ is another useful tool. It lists all the apps on your device that have permission to display over other apps. With this information, you can easily identify and manage the apps that might be causing conflicts.

Using these apps can simplify resolving display over other app issues. They offer a more straightforward approach, especially if you’re not comfortable diving into system settings. Just remember, while these apps are helpful, it’s always good to be cautious about what you download. Stick to reputable sources and read reviews to ensure you’re getting a reliable tool.

Additional Quick Fix

There’s a quick workaround for the ‘Display Over Other Apps’ issue that might just do the trick. It’s simple and doesn’t require any complicated steps. This solution can be particularly handy when you need a quick fix.

When you get the error, try pressing the back button on your device. This action sometimes prompts an alternative solution or bypasses the error.

If a message pops up asking you to use the notification bar, go ahead and click on it. Follow any additional prompts, like clicking ‘Next’ or ‘OK’, to proceed.

This method is more of a temporary band-aid than a permanent fix. It’s useful when you need to resolve the issue quickly, but looking into more permanent solutions later is a good idea. Keep in mind that while this might work in a pinch, it’s always better to address the root cause of the problem to prevent it from happening again.

Key Takeaways

The challenges with the “Display Over Other Apps” feature on Android phones are real and can be quite frustrating. However, with the detailed solutions and workarounds provided, there’s a good chance you’ve now found the key to solving these issues. Armed with this knowledge, you can enjoy the full potential of your Android device without the interruptions and limitations previously faced.


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Eddie Mendoza Jr
Eddie Mendoza Jr
Eddie has a degree in Information Technology with a natural inclination towards troubleshooting devices. With more than 10 years of blogging experience in different niches, he has found it most satisfying when writing easy-to-follow guides and simplified articles related to computers, smart TVs, mobile devices and Internet-based services.

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