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How to Fix Free Up Space to Continue Error Message on Google Chrome Browser


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Have you ever received an ominous pop-up in Google Chrome asking you to “Free up space to continue?” This frustrating browser error interrupts your browsing and indicates your browser is running low on storage capacity.

Luckily, with a few tweaks you can easily free up gigs of space to resolve the error. This article walks through actionable steps like deleting unneeded files, uninstalling browser extensions, and clearing cached Chrome data.

Photo credit: Growtika/Unsplash

Why the Free Up Space to Continue Error Message Appears on Google Chrome Browser

Before fixing, it helps to understand what causes that Chrome space limitation warning in the first place.

Essentially Chrome and its processes (extensions, cached data, etc) take up storage space on your computer like any program. After prolonged usage, it can occupy quite a bit of local storage real estate!

If your device’s remaining free space drops too low, Chrome intercepts with that warning to avoid crashing from overload.

By freeing up gigabytes of storage, you prevent Chrome from reaching that threshold again.

Troubleshooting Free Up Space to Continue Error Message on Google Chrome Browser

Clear Google Chrome Browser Cache & Site Data

If removing device files and extensions doesn’t provide enough space, also clear cached Chrome data:

  • Click the three-dot Chrome menu > Settings
  • Scroll down and click Advanced > Clear browsing data
  • Select Cached images and files
  • Change the timeframe to All time
  • Click Clear data to complete

This instantly deletes all cached browser images and files from your device storage. Temporarily it might slow browsing until caches rebuild. But deleting caches provides immediate space for Chrome to continue running.

Uninstall Unused Google Chrome Browser Extensions

Image credit: Google Chrome

Next up, remove Chrome extensions sucking up space quietly in the background:

  • Click the puzzle icon in Chrome to view extensions
  • For each one, click Details to see storage used
  • Uninstall any extensions you don’t really need

Don’t forget to check for unused apps too in your Chrome menu. Extensions and apps often consume more storage than you might think!

Remove Unneeded Device Files and Programs on your Device

First delete unnecessary files and apps to open up storage breathing room:

  • Browse downloads and documents to permanently delete anything unneeded
  • Clear out unused media like videos, photos and music
  • Uninstall programs you no longer use

Aim to remove several GBs through deletion. Remember to check Chrome’s own storage drive if deleting from other locations doesn’t help.

Removing needless files provides immediate storage savings so Chrome can stretch out.

Avoid Future “Free Up Space” Errors on Google Chrome Browser

Photo credit: Pete Linforth/Pixabay

Once you resolve the error by freeing up storage, here are tips to avoid repeat space limitations:

  • Regularly delete unneeded device files
  • Review extensions necessity and remove as needed
  • Clear caches/data every few months
  • Increase overall storage if possible

Staying proactive keeps Chrome storage slim and smoothly surfing along!

I hope this clearly explains common causes for Chrome’s “free up space” warning and actionable troubleshooting. Let me know if any steps still leave you with persistent storage issues!


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David Porter
David Porter
David is prolific writer and full-time Digital Nomad. He is an American expat living in Indonesia who loves to follow the recent technology updates. In his free time, he loves surfing and travel the edge of Indonesia.

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