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How to Fix Facebook Ads Active But Not Delivering Error


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Facebook ads are the lifeblood of many successful online businesses, serving as a direct pipeline to potential customers. When these advertisements are set to active status but not delivering or running, it’s not just a minor inconvenience; it’s a red alert that could spell disaster for your bottom line.

The good news? Solving this issue is usually straightforward, and you don’t need a PhD in tech to fix it.

Troubleshooting Ad Delivery Status Issues and Fixing Facebook Ads Active But Not Delivering or Running Bug

Image credit: Shubham Dhage/Unsplash

Check Your Audience Size

When it comes to Facebook ads, size does matter, but not in the way you might think. A small audience size can be a real roadblock for your campaign. You see, Facebook has this rule where your audience needs to be at least 1,000 active users strong for your ads to even get off the ground.

So, you’ve got your audience all picked out, but your ads are still gathering dust? It might be because your targeting is too narrow. Maybe you’ve been too specific with interests, behaviors, or demographics. It’s like throwing a party and only inviting five people; it’s not much of a party, is it?

Don’t worry; you don’t have to scrap everything and start from scratch. You can expand your audience without losing focus. Try adding related interests or behaviors to your targeting. Consider adding more names to the mix if you’re using a customer list.

Another option is to loosen up some of your demographic restrictions. You’d be surprised how a little flexibility can go a long way in getting those ads out there. Just remember, the goal is to strike a balance between specificity and reach. Too much of either, and you’re back to square one.

Review Ad Approvals and Limitations

Photo credit: cottonbro studio/Pexels

Facebook’s ad approval process is a bit like a bouncer at an exclusive club, scrutinizing each guest before letting them in. Your ad needs to meet certain criteria to get the green light. For instance, your ad image can only contain 20% text. Go over that, and you’re in the “limited impressions” zone, which is not where you want to be.

Then there are the special categories. If your ad falls under topics like politics, housing, or dating, you’ll need to jump through a few extra hoops. These categories have additional approval processes to prevent discrimination or misleading content.

But what if you’re playing by the rules and still get the boot? It happens. Sometimes, the system flags ads that are actually compliant. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t just sit there and stew. Reach out to Facebook support. Yes, it might mean spending some quality time on hold, but getting your ad back in the game is worth it.

Assess Ad Engagement and Quality

Low engagement is the silent killer of Facebook ads. When people scroll past your ad without interacting, Facebook takes it as a sign that your ad isn’t resonating. The platform then limits how often your ad is shown, which is a downward spiral you don’t want to get caught in.

So how do you break the cycle? One word: relevance. Make sure your ad speaks to the audience you’re targeting. If you’re selling skateboards, your ad better not look like it’s for retirement homes. Keep the visuals and text aligned with what your audience cares about.

A/B testing is your friend here. Create multiple versions of your ad with slight variations in the text, images, or call-to-action buttons. Run them simultaneously to see which one gets the most engagement. This way, you’re not just guessing what works but using real data.

Don’t forget the importance of a strong call to action. It’s not just about getting eyes on your ad; you want clicks, shares, and other interactions. A compelling call-to-action can make the difference between a scroll-past and a click-through.

Quality rankings are another metric to keep an eye on. These are scores that Facebook assigns based on how well your ad is expected to perform. If your quality ranking is low, consider it a red flag. Time to go back to the drawing board and rethink your ad strategy.

Improving ad engagement isn’t just a one-time effort; it’s ongoing. Keep an eye on your metrics, adjust your strategies as needed, and don’t be afraid to pull an ad that’s not performing. There’s always room for improvement; the only way to improve is to keep refining your approach.

Examine Your Budget and Bidding Strategy

Your budget directly influences how often your Facebook ad appears. If you allocate too little, your ad won’t get the exposure it needs. The algorithm requires a certain budget size to display your ad to potential customers effectively.

Similarly, a low bid can result in your ad losing visibility. Other advertisers willing to pay more will overshadow your campaign. Setting a competitive bid is essential to ensure your ad gets seen.

Determining an appropriate budget depends on your specific objectives and target audience. Avoid setting it so low that it limits the reach of your ad. Make sure it’s sufficient to engage the audience you’re aiming for.

For bidding, you have choices. You can opt for Facebook’s automatic lowest cost setting or specify a bid cap. If you’re new to Facebook ads, starting with the lowest-cost option can be a good way to get your feet wet. You can adjust as you go along.

Consistent monitoring of your ad’s performance will help you make timely adjustments to your budget and bid. If you’re not seeing the results you hoped for, reassess your strategy. Make changes based on actual performance metrics rather than just increasing the budget.

Wrapping It Up

Facebook ads have the power to elevate your business and significantly boost your return on investment. However, the key to unlocking this potential lies in executing your campaigns correctly. With a bit of effort and ongoing adjustments, you can turn Facebook into a highly profitable advertising platform for your business.


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Aileen G. M.
Aileen G. M.
A technology writer with a degree in Business Administration majoring in Marketing. Aileen loves creating helpful but simple guides for troubleshooting and fixing complex issues on today's gadgets and services.

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