HomeReviews9 Productivity Hacks for Remote Work With Taskade!

9 Productivity Hacks for Remote Work With Taskade!

Be more productive when working remotely with these simple yet effective tips.


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When working on different projects, there should be no room for missing deadlines. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a lot of people not to miss out on important tasks when there is a lot on their plate. Aside from meeting all the deadlines each project demands, there are also various tasks to manage.

What you need is a reliable productivity tool that will help you get everything organized. Why do you need to organize your work? Seeing things in order will help you prioritize what needs to be done and never let you miss out on anything. An excellent productivity tool to use is Taskade.


Taskade offers several features that tackle various productivity problems faced by many users. With its tools and user-friendly interface, it is easy to get around the app and add all the projects you want.  

Different Solutions on Taskade to Help You Become More Productive

If you want to make your workflow more organized and clean-looking, you can follow these methods below when working on Taskade. 

Solution #1 – Create Different Workspace for Each Project


Taskade enables you to create a different workspace for different projects. All you have to do is hit the Create a Workspace button, set the project name, and add color to distinguish it from the rest. From there, set the Due Date and add tags to locate it easily later on.

Now, you can put into writing your creative mind mapping to organize everything that runs in your head. That way, you won’t have to miss out on an important thought relating to your project.

Solution #2 – Make Use of Folders


Sometimes, a project is so broad that adding a lot of headings under it seems overwhelming. It also does not look good when you scroll down to a long list. Instead, you can add a Folder to each workspace.

For example, if your workspace is Graphic Design, you can create Folders like logo, video, brochure, and more. Under each Folder, you can set the various headings and subheadings. What makes it effective is the ability to allocate different tasks in different sections so you can accomplish related assignments at the same time.

Folders provide a cleaner and organized look while sectioning various points needed to be done. Add headings and tasks for each Folder in a checklist format and set the date when you have to do them. After completion, all you have to do is check them off your list.

Solution #3 – Invite People Into Your Workspace


If you are working on a collaboration project, Taskade allows you to invite people into each workspace to give them access. Hit the Invite button and enter their email or username if they have a Taskade account. You may also create an invite link and send it to them directly.

Adding people into your Taskade workspace will connect you with them via chat or video call. You can enjoy productivity and ease in real-time without having to get out of the app interface or use a different app or device to contact them. It also works if you want clients to see your workspace.

If you do not want other users to edit anything in your workspace, you can add them as a Viewer. Otherwise, set anyone as Editor if you need them to add or check off tasks on your list.

Solution #4 – Add Taskade to Different Devices

Working on multiple projects often requires you to use more than two devices. For you to access your workspace on your mobile phone, laptop, and desktop computer, you can install the Taskade app on each of your devices. That way, you still have all your task checklists at your fingertips, even if you need to jump from one device to another.

Taskade is available on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Chrome, and Firefox.

Solution #5 – Use Different Workflow Formats

Who says you can only stick to a list when organizing your projects? Taskade gives you five different formats you can switch to on each workspace you create, depending on how you like it to appear.

Aside from creating a list of your tasks, you can also make boards to post each Folder separately. There is also the Action layout, Mind-Mapping, and Org Charts. Browse 300+ free templates and workflows to get started instantly!

Solution #6 – Add a Personal Workspace on Taskade

Each workspace is different, which is more effective if you work on multiple projects. But, our personal tasks also deserve a slot in Taskade. With all our work projects in line, there are still groceries to buy, bills to pay, a dog to take care of, and so on. You can integrate your personal workspace into Taskade without affecting your project workflow. That way, you can still get on top of your work without neglecting your personal life.

Solution #7 – Take Advantage of the Available Templates


Have you been lost on how to get started on making your workflow more organized? Taskade has an answer for you. You can navigate to the Templates section when creating a new workspace. From there, different templates are available for you to use.

For instance, if you created a workspace for meetings, you can head to the left panel and hit Meetings. There are templates that you can check and see if they work for you. Taskade has various categories for the templates, which is helpful if you have to start everything from scratch. Check out templates for travel itineraries, how-tos, design, engineering, mind map, journaling, planning, music, and more.

Templates are useful if you do not want to waste your time planning on how to organize your workspace. You can also use it as inspiration for how to set the layout for your project organizations.

Solution #8 – Embed or Upload Files Into Your Tasks

There may be some inspiration you found on YouTube that you can use when working on your task. You can embed the YouTube file into your task checklist, so you won’t have to forget about it. Taskade also lets you upload photos or videos into each task for reference. It is helpful during collaboration projects where you want other users to get a clear picture of how the task should be done.

Solution #9 – Make Use of Hashtags and Mentions 

For every content on your workspace, you can add a hashtag. Hashtags will help you search your data without having to look for it on every workspace or Folder. The Search bar will filter content based on the hashtag that you use. 

The same works with Mentions. Aside from hashtags, you can also mention people or projects on your workspace. It allows you to link relatable tasks, giving you less effort in navigating around the app.


Productivity problems hinder many users in accomplishing their tasks and hitting deadlines. You can avoid these dilemmas and start working more productively and efficiently with Taskade.

How is your experience with Taskade? We would love to know your thoughts, so please drop us a comment below.


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Aileen G. M.
Aileen G. M.
A technology writer with a degree in Business Administration majoring in Marketing. Aileen loves creating helpful but simple guides for troubleshooting and fixing complex issues on today's gadgets and services.

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