HomeFixesFix Microsoft Office Error Code 80070002 or 80180002 when Adding School Account

Fix Microsoft Office Error Code 80070002 or 80180002 when Adding School Account


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Adding your school account to Microsoft Office 365 suite of apps like Teams, Outlook, Word or Excel is necessary to gain access to your email and the rest of the online resources within your organization. While the process itself is meant to be easy and simple, several users are complaining about getting the error code 80070002 or 80180002 every time they try to do so.

How to Troubleshoot School Account Issue and Fix Microsoft Office, Teams or Outlook Error Code 80070002 or 80180002

Photo credit: Surface/Unsplash

To save you from the trouble of going round and round in circles, here are some of the things you can do to bid goodbye to these annoying errors.

Before we dive into the solutions, here is the error message you might encounter when one of these glitches occur:

“Something went wrong – Your account was not set up on this device because device management could not be enabled. Error Code: 80180002 or 80070002”


Confirm Activation of Microsoft Office 

Running different processes on Microsoft, specifically integrated accounts, will only be possible if you’re using an active Office package. Follow the steps below to check if Microsoft Office is enabled and activated on the device you’re using:

  1. Open any Microsoft application and click the File tab. 
  2. Choose the option labeled Account. 
  3. Go through the product details as well as Microsoft Office’s active package if it is enabled. 

If you’ve discovered that you’re not using an active package, make sure you get one first before you proceed with adding your school account. 

Use the Hardware Troubleshooter 

Running the hardware troubleshooter will let you pinpoint issues on the hardware of your device. Simply follow the steps below to do this:

  1. Press on the R and Windows keys simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box. 
  2. Type msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic in the dialog box. 
  3. Wait for the device hardware troubleshooting process to begin. 
  4. Check if the problem is solved afterward. 

Ensure Proper Integration of the Device Management System 

You might also be able to get the error code 80070002 or 80180002 every time you add a school account in Microsoft Office if you turn on the device management. Even though you might have already switched it on in the past, you might still want to go about with the procedure all over again to ensure that it works as expected. 

Configure Microsoft Intune Settings

Problems related to Microsoft Intune may also prevent you from adding and setting up your school account on Microsoft Office. You should change Microsoft Intune’s MAM/MAM settings to none and try logging in once again. Most of the time, this should allow you to add and set up your school account without any issues. 

Contact Microsoft Office Support

Microsoft Office error code 80070002 or 80180002 can sometimes be a bit technical to the extent that you have to reach out to the Microsoft Office support team and seek assistance from them. This way, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’ll be working with those who know what they’re doing and what they should do in the first place. 

Wrapping It Up

The next time you encounter error code 80070002 or 80180002 every time you try to add your school account on Microsoft Office, try any or all of the above solutions to see if one will work for your situation and eliminate the problem sooner rather than later. This way, you can continue to take advantage of all Microsoft Office resources available for you.


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Aileen G. M.
Aileen G. M.
A technology writer with a degree in Business Administration majoring in Marketing. Aileen loves creating helpful but simple guides for troubleshooting and fixing complex issues on today's gadgets and services.

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