HomeWindowsDisable or Turn Off Windows 11 Touch Keyboard Autocorrect Spelling Feature

Disable or Turn Off Windows 11 Touch Keyboard Autocorrect Spelling Feature

Learn how to deactivate autocorrect spelling option in Windows 11's on-screen touch keyboard.


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Many people love working with touch screen interfaces. It is sleeker, more convenient, and has better response and navigation. You can get used to a touch screen when you are often on your smartphone or tablet.

Now, many laptop and desktop computers also have a touch screen feature that enables you to navigate through your apps using the screen of your PC. There are also 2-in-1 devices that gives you a laptop and tablet in one. You can forgo the keyboard and mouse when using your computer, similar to your tablet or smartphone.

The new Windows 11 operating system integrates a Touch Keyboard for users who prefer to use their keyboard screen. The Touch Keyboard includes an autocorrect tool that automatically corrects the spelling of wrongly spelled words as you are typing. It is helpful to people who prefer not to redo what they type to correct and fix the spelling errors.


However, when you want to say something in a different language or use slang words found to be incorrect by Windows 11, it becomes annoying when the autocorrect feature corrects it instantly even if it is the accurate and right spelling for you. You have no other choice but to type the word again.

The good thing is that you have the option to disable or turn off the Windows 11 on-screen Touch Keyboard autocorrect feature. That way, you don’t have to put up with how the system is imposing its corrections on you, even when you don’t need it.

How to Turn Off Autocorrect Spelling Feature on Windows 11 PC On-Screen Touch Keyboard


The steps to disable the autocorrect spelling function on your Windows 11 PC on-screen touch keyboard is easy. You also have the option to turn the autocorrect feature back on when you want to from the same settings. Just follow the same steps below to turn it off now.

  • On your Windows 11 PC, click the Start button. 
  • Navigate to Settings. You can also use the shortcut by pressing both the Windows key and the letter i key.
  • On the left side, scroll down to Time & language.
  • On the right side, select Typing.
  • Scroll down and look for Autocorrect Misspelled Words.
  • Beside it, toggle the button to Off. If you want to enable the autocorrect feature back, toggle it to On.

That’s it! While you are in the Typing settings, you can also disable or enable the Highlight misspelled words if you want.

Do you find the autocorrect tool annoying or helpful? We would love to know which side you are on, so please let us know in the comment section below.

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Aileen G. M.
Aileen G. M.
A technology writer with a degree in Business Administration majoring in Marketing. Aileen loves creating helpful but simple guides for troubleshooting and fixing complex issues on today's gadgets and services.

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