HomeStreamingFilms & TVHow to Fix Error TVAPP-00100 on Comcast Xfinity Stream App

How to Fix Error TVAPP-00100 on Comcast Xfinity Stream App

Troubleshoot issue with browser cache error and connect to Xfinity Stream servers.


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Streaming in Comcast Xfinity can give you access to online content and TV channels. But, some users reported that they see the error TVAPP-00100 on their Xfinity Stream app or when accessing the service through a web browser on their desktop computers. One of the reasons why it happens is due to a corrupted cache. Your VPN may also cause an error when you stream TV content.

How to Troubleshoot and Fix Browser Cache Error TVAPP-00100 Not Able to Connect to Xfinity Stream


Getting the error TVAPP-00100 in Xfinity Stream is common to most users when watching TV online. There are different ways on how you can fix the problem. Check out the solutions below to know how you can resolve the Xfinity issue.

Method #1 – Power Cycle Your Device

Credit: Andriikoval/Freepik

A quick power cycle can refresh your network connection.

  1. Turn off your device.
  2. Unplug all your devices, including your router and modem.
  3. Wait for at least 1 minute.
  4. Now, plug in your router and modem.
  5. After connecting, turn on your device.
  6. Check if the error is still there.

Method #2 – Clear the Cache

As indicated above, there might be a corrupted cache that is causing the error.

Via Browser

Image / Windows Dispatch

If you are streaming using a browser, you can clear your Browser’s Cache. There are different ways on how to delete the cache, depending on the browser you use.

  1. In General, you will need to access the Settings menu.
  2. Go to Advanced or directly open the Privacy and Security.
  3. Now, look for Clear Browsing Data. Set the Time Range to All Time.
  4. Check the boxes beside the Cookies, Browsing History, and Cache.
  5. Click the Clear Data button.

Via Xfinity Stream App

Credit: Comcast
  1. To clear the cache on an Android device, access the Settings menu.
  2. Go to Apps.
  3. Look for the Xfinity Stream app.
  4. Tap Storage or Clear Cache.
  5. If you are using an Apple device, you will need to uninstall the app first and reinstall it.

Method #3 – Disable VPN

Credit: Abigall Maddison

If you are using a VPN client, try to disable it first and check if the error still exists.

  1. Launch the Settings menu.
  2. Go to Network & Internet.
  3. Look for your VPN Client.
  4. Right-click on it and click Disable.

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Eddie Mendoza Jr
Eddie Mendoza Jr
Eddie has a degree in Information Technology with a natural inclination towards troubleshooting devices. With more than 10 years of blogging experience in different niches, he has found it most satisfying when writing easy-to-follow guides and simplified articles related to computers, smart TVs, mobile devices and Internet-based services.

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