HomeMicrosoftHow to Stop Microsoft Edge Browser Keeps Opening Links in New Tabs

How to Stop Microsoft Edge Browser Keeps Opening Links in New Tabs

Find help in troubleshooting issue with Microsoft Edge always opening links in a new tab.


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If you use the Microsoft Edge browser, you may have noticed that clicking links will automatically open in new tabs. It is unnoticeable when you open links from a website, and it opens in another tab. But, when you click a search result, instead of opening right there on the same tab, it opens in another.

While it is frustrating to see it, such a scenario only happens when you use the Bing Search and not if you have changed your default search engine to Google, Yahoo! or DuckDuckGo. Bing is the search engine of Microsoft and it is recommended by default to be your choice when you first set up your Chromium Edge browser. It is formerly called the Live Search, which is MSN Search, and Windows Live Search before it. You can use it as another search engine option for Google.

Photo credit: Surface/Unsplash

When you search for something using Bing Search, you end up opening a new tab when you click a search result. If you want to go back to the results, you cannot hit the Back button of the new tab. You have to go back to the original tab where you first click the search results.

If you want to open another result, it launches another tab, which becomes more if you keep on clicking the search results. In turn, you end up with several tabs opened on your Microsoft Edge browser, which is an unnecessary clutter and uses up a lot of your system resources.

Screenshot: Windows Dispatch

So, how do you stop the MS Edge browser from opening links in new tabs when using the Bing Search? There is one way you can prevent it from happening again. Good thing, Microsoft made it sure that you can disable the feature that will allow the opening of search result links in new tabs easily. This method works on any computer system that runs Microsoft Edge Chromium browser natively such as Windows 10 PC, Mac, or Linux computer. Here’s how to do it:

  • First, launch your Microsoft Edge browser on your desktop or laptop computer.
  • Then, enter Bing.com in the URL bar.
  • Once in the Bing Search homepage, click the three-line icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Select Safe Search.
  • Scroll down until you reach the Results option.
  • Look for Open links from search results in a new tab or window. Uncheck the box to disable it.
  • Next, look for Open links from news results in a new tab or window. Uncheck the box to disable it.
Screenshot: Windows Dispatch

Now, the Microsoft Edge browser will no longer open a new tab when you click a Bing search result. It will keep your browser clean and more organized as well as save yourself some precious computer memory.

Do you want your search results to keep opening in a new tab or stay in the original tab? Let us know your reasons in the comments below.

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Eddie Mendoza Jr
Eddie Mendoza Jr
Eddie has a degree in Information Technology with a natural inclination towards troubleshooting devices. With more than 10 years of blogging experience in different niches, he has found it most satisfying when writing easy-to-follow guides and simplified articles related to computers, smart TVs, mobile devices and Internet-based services.

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